It has always been easy for me... almost too easy to get my thighs into stellar shape. I never fit into jeans well because my thighs are all bulky with muscle. Sure it helped with jumping (back in the Basketball days) until I strained my ACL... poor ACL. Now I am a sprinting beast with no track around me to take out my frustration. The 8.8 mile commute on the Yale bike path gets me pumped and then the 8.8 miles back is nice but I constantly want MORE. More distance... more speed... more land travelled on my bike. The pinner legs of champion stage cyclists are quite the opposite of mine. I recently discovered that I have track cyclists legs. This would explain the brutality I feel as I try to ascend every hill longer than a mile. So stage racing isn't for me... today is the day that I come to terms with that. Sad in a sense but pretty cool in another. I have always been a good sprinter on foot and apparently I have seamlessly transitioned into a great sprinter on the bicycle as well. Here are some pic of the German Team Sprinters that I found. Gnar?

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