Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Josh Humbert Photography

My beautiful girlfriend, Vanessa, sadly left Albuquerque a couple weeks ago and on the flight back to Gilroy, CA she met a man named Josh Humbert. In short, he farms for Tahitian pearls in Tahiti (also where he lives with his family) and he does photography on the side. The link below is his photography website and I must say - "I LIKE!" Peep his stuff. Maybe buy some of his photos if you are an aristocrat secretly slumming the internet blogosphere for 'underground' information.

Oh and by the way, he says that we have a place to stay whenever we visit Tahiti... maybe one day buddy...but it sure does pay to have a gorgeous girlfriend! hahaha Ich hab dich lieb mein schatzy :)

Josh Humbert Website


  1. thanks bran. that was nice of you to put this. put everett's music on there!!!!

  2. Hello Man,
    Thanks very much for your kind words and for posting a link to my website. I have updated it since you saw it and I'm hoping you'll like the new stuff. :) I guess this post is a few years old and I'm sorry to say that sadly, I don't remember your beautiful girlfriend. Anyway, thanks again for the kindness.


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